Day Two of My Positive Parenting Challenge

get well hug GIF

As resources pour in from so many wonderful people, my sons and I came up with our own rule: Instant Hugs. As soon as tension rises, a voice raises, or someone feels he’s been mistreated, BOOM, hug. No cure-all, but has definitely cut down on several escalations already.

I’ve been blessed by friends, family, and acquaintances with reading and listening suggestions. I’m starting with Amy McCready’s If I Have to Tell You One More Time…, Charlotte Kasl’s If the Buddha Had Kids, Eckhart Tolle’s Enlightened Relationships, Mr. Dad’s Positive Parenting Radio podcast, and Denaye Barahona’s Simple Families podcast.

And I found all of those before a Facebook call for help built my “Next, please,” list!

I’m looking forward to this journey with my sons and excited to share it.

God bless,