Day Three of My Positive Parenting Challenge: Mind Body Spirit Time

hippie dancing GIF

“Dad, that sounds way too hippy for us.”

That was the response after my sons thoroughly enjoyed the one-on-one time I dedicated to each of them during the day, as suggested by Amy McCready. One chose 15 minutes of tinkering with old electronics in the morning and the other chose Lego building.

In the evening, my elder requested I read aloud some of his latest book club book, In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse, and my younger had me help him with a “poop” heavy ad lib story.

I could see that not only did each appreciate the focused interaction, but also respected when it was the other’s turn.

We’re working on alternative names for our particular sessions as “Mind Body Spirit Time” is “too hippy” for them. So far, I’ve had to veto “Poopy Time,” but I think we’re heading in the right direction.

God bless,