BJJ Everyday

We are blessed by our relationship with Elevated Studios in Wilmington, Delaware.

In our travels we’ve visited ten or so grappling schools. Not once have I thought, “I wish Stephen did things more like this.” I have yet to see anywhere offer as many opportunities to train (six youth classes per week!), nor nearly the focus on the practicing and refining of technique.

My sons don’t train everyday and we rarely attend the six possible classes, but I see the benefits of the discipline many times a day. They move with intention and confidently own their space. If they fall, as they often do, they’re rarely hurt. When they are scraped, stung, or bruised, they recognize the pain as temporary and move through it. If they are confronted by an aggressive child, they know how to manage physical conflict and control themselves. I witnessed my elder son bitten during a a friendly wrestle and not lose his temper or use retaliatory techniques.

They’ve been taught that pain is a necessary component of life and, through regular matches and application of submission moves, learned how to respond to it.

God bless and thank you for reading,
