Shakespearean Completists?

After this weekend’s Othello at New Light Theater my sons will have seen 11 full length Shakespeare productions, acted in several, and been participants in each of Delaware Shakespeare‘s Shakespeare Day events.

We’ve discussed the plot and watched Kenneth Branagh’s 1995 film adaptation. It’s a challenging story for anyone who pays attention, even more so for 8- and 10-year-old boys.

They’ve thumbed through the various graphic novels and children’s versions we found at the library and I have no doubt they are well prepared.

I love experiencing live theater by their sides. They disappear into the story, as if they were sitting right there on the stage (nearly the case at times). Even better is to hear their analyses of a production. From costumes and lighting to comedic choices and character portrayals, they come up with magnificent observations, criticisms, and wonderings.

So will they see all 37 (39?) of Shakespeare’s plays one day? I don’t know, but they’ve got a heck of a start.

God bless and thank you for reading,
