Digging for Courage: More Than a COVID-19 Journal

I thought I’d come here to share anxieties as I peer out over the precipice into a frightening unknown. Then I thought that was bullshit. Fear has enough power without me spending more time on it than it already demands.

I choose courage as the wilderness between love and fear. Whenever I am in that place of peace and confident power that love provides, it is because there is a journey at my back. I find that place when I trust in God and myself. I trust that He has more love to share and that I have the courage to seek it out.

I’ve learned that every journey is within. Every question that needs to be answered is within. It’s not easy and I barely have the patience to let it work, but all the answers are there. I’ve had a remarkable life of receiving wisdom. I’ve often thought of myself as a problem solver, but it turns out that it has been my stubborn nature to hold onto a problem long enough for the solution to appear. Stubborness can outlast impatience. However, there is a better way. Patience and calm allow wisdom to more freely flow through me. Yoga, soccer, and prayer give my busy mind a break and let me feel the energy of the Universe.

Sometimes I can outstretch my arms, open myself, and be the wave of light flying through silent space.

God bless and thank you for reading,
