Saving the World

The only way to help the world is through the Self. Being a light in the darkness, brightening that light every day. The light is love. Fear and darkness cannot overcome the light of love.


This is the darkest time I have witnessed. Fear of disease and government power are more dangerous in the imagination than in reality. So, what do you imagine? What do you see when you close your eyes or look into the sky? How are you choosing to love yourself? What are you listening to? What are you watching? What are you repeating? Is truth so easy to acquire that we can get it from sitting on your ass? Does it come without questions? Is truth what “everyone” is saying? —-

Popular opinion has never served me well. God speaks to each of us as individuals. Every word Jesus spoke is powerful. The ones that touch me the most are the ones he spoke to individuals. He spoke to the very particular circumstances of each person. In those small moments, grand knowledge is available.


It was all personal. Jesus didn’t write letters or leave messages on walls, he spoke to people, he embraced them. He lived during a time that was unimaginably more dangerous than ours. An embrace could kill you, or your family if you were strong enough to fight off the threat and they weren’t. Death was more real than it is now. People died in their homes, in front of their loved ones. Now we shut off the old and sick, to extend their lives in isolation. Is that the goal? A high score? What cost are you willing to incur for that longer life if it comes with increased suffering? What line do you draw? A hundred miserable years, or 47 glorious turns around the sun?


What would you choose? What are you choosing?


God bless and thank you for reading,
