You’re Gonna Die

Death is a guarantee. We’re surrendering our freedoms. What is life without freedom? Maybe we could live forever frozen in tubes. Would that be living? Where do you draw the line? How do you choose to live? Do you understand that any breath could be your last? Do you think about the likelyhood of another car plowing into you on any given day?

Every choice involves risk. We are handing those choices over to politicians we wouldn’t trust to watch our kids for an afternoon.

None of that sounds right to me. Give me liberty or give me death? How would you answer? How much liberty is worth a little more life? How many destroyed lives will be worth the ones extended for a few years? Months? Days?

They were lying just a couple weeks ago about masks and now you believe them? How many times will we be lied to before we wake up out of our collective Stockholm Syndrome?

No tricks. I’m trying to answer these questions for myself. I think more of us should be asking them

God bless and thank you for reading,
