A Grateful Troublemaker

Jordan Peterson talks about how at one point in Soviet Russia, 1 in 3 people was informing to the government police. That meant that there was likely someone in your home who might report on your activities or “wrong” thoughts or words.

We’re getting a sample of what that society looks like right now. My business owner friends are terrified of misstepping on a Lockdown restriction and being reported. These informants rarely give the owner a chance to reconcile.

I haven’t seen one person who wears a proper mask properly. So what does one do when they know they’re not in strict compliance? Point a finger at someone else. These screamers in supermarkets know they can’t follow the rules, so they look to put the spotlight on someone they perceive to be an easier target.

Without principles and an understanding of history and psychology, we are heading down a dark, familiar road. The French who started their Revolution ended up dead at the hands of their proteges. The Russians who supported their Revolution ended up in gulags. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a party loyalist until he was locked away and became the Soviet’s greatest enemy.

Am I making a slippery slope argument? I don’t know, our society is different from those and I’m a ridiculous optimist. But we’re human and fallen and vulnerable to all the same fears that the Jacobins and Societ Communists were.

Either way, I don’t need a slippery slope. I don’t like the society I see right now. I think it is worth fighting against these radical changes that continue to destroy lives every day.

I’m going to be the guy that won’t rat. I’d rather be locked up on Thanksgiving or Christmas than be the one to lock someone else up. That’s the choice. If you think you can lay low and let this blow over, if you think you can give up a couple family get togethers and get back to “normal,” if you think you can be compliant enough to not take a side, I promise you’re taking the wrong side and you will end up crushed under the thumb of the regulatory state.

I’m grateful for history, psychology, and my God given love of the individual. I’m grateful for the fight that He has put in my heart. I’m grateful that I was made this way.