Grateful for How God Made Me

They change the rules arbitrarily and give you a few days to comply.

Regular people are just trying to get by. They’re trying not to screw up their kids. They’re trying to keep their businesses afloat. They’re trying to stay in shape. They’re trying to fix their relationships. They’re trying to learn a new skill to help create a better world. They’re trying to make their way in a world full of suffering.

The Doomers lack compassion for how radically society has been forced to change in a few months. They don’t see the substance abuse, suicides, and crippling loneliness that people are experiencing. Doomers have taken people’s joys away from them and told them they are selfish and ignorant to complain about it.

They are willing to “beat the virus” at any cost. Whether that is possible is a real scientific debate. What’s not debatable is how far someone will go if he thinks he is saving the world. Fascism enters the human heart when you think you are the charismatic leader here to save the People. You don’t see individuals anymore, you only see the Compliant and the Noncompliant. You discover it’s okay to yell at, shame, and lie to the Noncompliant in order to meet your righteous goal.

That’s why these governors, mayors, and bureaucrats sound like dictators, because in their hearts they are. Then the compliant armies march, taken in by propaganda delivered by experts and validated through corporate media.

They are tearing apart society with their dictates and telling those of us trying to be responsible for our own lives and the lives of our families that we are the threat.

The only things the Noncompliant are a threat to are the centers of power and control.

I’ve got my priorities of responsibility in order: God, myself, my children, family, friends, and community. I seek truth and liberty in each of those responsibilities, not power.

I’m thankful for the way God made me. My soul craves freedom, not just for itself, but for all it can touch.