The Costs

This week I read a post from a Lockdown-enforcing friend. She said that she would be avoiding those who are not strictly complying after “this” is over. Firstly, what is the metric for that? When do we stop trading germs, bacteria, and viruses? When do we stop sharing bad habits? When do we stop poisoning minds with ideas we deem “bad?” When do we stop being human and fallen and full of snakes and mistakes?

Aside from the philosophical absurdity of pretending that humans (and eveything else in existence) aren’t dangerous, I’m deeply troubled. Her children have been friends with mine for years. Her and I have stood as vocal homeschooling advocates and I consider her an ally in promoting educational freedom. We disagree on fundamental political and religious fronts, but we’ve found our common goals to outweigh our differences.

She was at Mary’s memorial and made her way to me through a daunting crowd to deliver a message of support that I will never forget.

The home education community is small and diverse. We have serious divides on serious issues, but we’ve always been able to discuss them while our children play and learn together.

I pray that this is emotional manipulation to acquire a desired behavior. I pray it is an empty threat. My children have no control over my choices, why should they be further isolated from friends after this difficult year?