You think they found a heart in 2020? Okay.

My sons aren’t missing out on as many things as other children because I have a vanishing impulse to play by broken rules.

But they are missing out. Some of their favorite places will not welcome them without masks. They are not a threat to society as they breathe. In fact, libraries, churches, gyms, and stores that would mask them are losing out by not having my boys there. They are also losing the goodwill of parents and children who have supported them for years.

Look again. What is the ongoing cost to society for Lockdown measures? Mental Health Awareness Month is a joke. No one in the mainstream is treating any of these children with love and compassion. They are acting on their own fear and programming.

You want to trust a government that has been funding death and destruction domestically and internationally for more than a hundred years? You think they found a heart in 2020? Okay. Go right ahead. But don’t drag me and my children into your abusive relationship with power.

From Tom Woods:

Last month you may have seen a video featuring a Georgia mother named Courtney Ann Taylor demanding that the local school board drop the ridiculous mask requirement.

My friend Tom Elliott, whom I got to know when I used to fill in on Peter Schiff’s old radio show (Tom was the producer), spread the video around via his Grabien media service.

YouTube decided to take it down.

As Tom described YouTube’s response to the video, “Mothers having opinions about whether their children should be forced into masks ‘violates our community guidelines’ and our ‘medical misinformation policy.'”

Nothing in what she said contradicts what the World Health Organization says about masking children under 12. Here are her exact words:

Every month I come here and I hear the same thing: social, emotional health. If you truly mean that, you would end the mask requirement tonight. Tonight! This is not March 2020 anymore. We have three vaccines, every adult in the state of Georgia that wants that vaccine is eligible to get it right now, and every one of us knows that young children are not affected by this virus. They’re not. And that’s a blessing.

But as the adults, what have we done with that blessing? We’ve showed it to the side and we said, “We don’t care, you’re still going to wear a mask on your face every day, 5- and 6-year-olds. You still can’t play together on the playground like normal children, 7- and 8-year-olds. We don’t care. We’re still going to force you to carry a burden that was never yours to carry.” Shame on us! My 6-year-old looks at me every month before I come here, she says, “Are you going to tell them tonight? Tell them I don’t want to wear this anymore.” And I say, “Baby, it’s not time to fight that battle yet.” I try to explain that there’s so many things, that it’s April 15th, 2021, and it’s time. Take these masks off my child.

And I know what I’m going to be met with: but Ms. Taylor, the CDC. We did not vote for people at the CDC. We did create leaders who do create policy. We elected the five of you. We chose you to make difficult decisions for our children. We chose you to make decisions that would be in our children’t best interest. And forcing 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9-year-old little children to cover their noses and their mouths, where they breathe, for 7 hours a day, every day for the last nine months, for a virus that you know doesn’t affect them, that is not in their best interest. This has to stop. Defend our children. My 6-year-old can’t come up here and say this. It has to stop. Take these off our children.

YouTube took that video down to keep everyone “safe.”

As Tom Elliott says:

Parents are allowed to express opinions over whether their children should be forced into wearing masks. Parents’ perspectives are a valid part of the public debate. This mother does not represent herself as a doctor or medical expert.

Incidentally the WHO agrees with this mother that there is currently no scientific basis for compelling all children to wear masks indoors/outdoors as a measure to stop the spread of Covid. So YouTube’s “medical misinformation” claim is entirely false.

I appealed, noting there’s nothing in the WHO guidance this mother is contradicting (supposedly the basis of the video being taken offline). YouTube has already rejected the appeal. Apparently the platform must remain “safe” from concerned mothers:

OK, now back to ol’ Woods.

I for one am tired of YouTube or any brick-and-mortar location telling me that my health and safety is their number-one priority. Please, everyone, stop making my health and safety your number-one priority. It generally leads to useless measures that make society weirder and my life less happy, with no discernible health effect.

How about making not living in a dystopia your number-one priority?


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