Fact Checking Strawmen

These fact check sites always attack strawman arguments. I am asking, “Why?” and these answers don’t add up. If PCR is the “gold standard,” why is it being dropped?

People have suffered isolation, depression, unemployment, delayed care, abuse, and self-harm due to Lockdown restrictions. The PCR test was not designed as a diagnostic and yet those numbers were used to shut down people’s lives.

With PCR tests removed from the count and vaccinated people urged not to get tested, the numbers will go down and the Establishment will get to claim victory simply by cooking the books.

“Jim McKinney, an FDA spokesman, told us in an email that to date, “the FDA has authorized more than 380 tests and sample collection kits to diagnose COVID-19, many of which are PCR tests. PCR tests are generally considered to be the ‘gold standard’ for COVID-19 diagnosis.”