Perfect Timing

Delaware’s window for homeschool enrollment opened today, conveniently balanced against Governor Carney’s ruling that all children must wear masks in school.

There is one direct way to communicate your disatisfaction with unscientific mandates on children: take them out of government school.

The community of homeschoolers is growing. Although libraries and many institutions have failed our children in the last year, the home-educating moms and dads in Delaware are amazingly supportive.

Homeschool enrollment is easy and there is still plenty of time to figure out how you want to proceed.

The following is from the Delaware Department of Education and will get you on your way to freedom:

Good afternoon,

Nonpublic schools are required to annual report to the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) a statement of pupil enrollment as of the last school day in September on or before October 5th, pursuant to 14 Del. C. § 2704(b). 

You are receiving this email as a reminder to complete your annual enrollment report. Please complete your school’s required annual enrollment submission on or before October 5, 2022, through the DDOE’s Nonpublic School System. To report, log into EdAccess ( and click on the Nonpublic Schools application icon to start the enrollment submission process. Select the Annual Enrollment tab at the top of the screen. Be sure to read the instructions on the screen and submit the enrollment for your school.  

To see a copy of the Enrollment Report or Acknowledgement Letter, please select the Records tab after you have submitted the annual enrollment.
If you have any questions or issues, please email Please remember we receive a large volume of tickets during the reporting period and are responding in the order they are received. We appreciate your patience during this time. 

If you plan to close your school, please email the above email address with your school name, effective closure date and reason for closure. 
Please be advised that the Delaware Department of Education – Nonpublic Support office is not currently open to the public due to COVID-19. If you have any questions or issues, please email

Thank You, 

Delaware Department of Education Nonpublic School Support Team