This Little Bully…

I asked for compassion for my motherless sons and our hope to go to a music festival without being forced to take a novel medical product into our bodies.

The response was an unhinged flood of comments on my feed and in my DMs.

This individual wishes to limit the joy that these boys are allowed to experience after losing their mother. He thinks that life is fully lived in an Instagram feed and that for me to ask for more for them is selfish.

He made no effort to understand what music meant to my wife. He made no effort to understand how much music festivals have helped to heal us in times of mourning.

This specific festival, Delfest, was the first I took my sons to after their mother suddenly died. I introduced them to some of her favorite artists, Rhiannon Giddens and The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band, in the particular.

We hope to return to that festival, but their looming insistence on vaccinating all guests threatens this adventure. Tickets are purchased, plans are made, and excitement builds, yet this may be taken from us. The lack of clarity and narrow timeframe before the show make the disappointment deeper.

7 Replies to “This Little Bully…”

  1. People like this still amaze me. I hope you get to attend this year in the manner which you choose to do so.

  2. This guy is a consummate victim and out of his mind. One would imagine, his wife is finally happy to be free of him.

    1. You are completely wrong in your assumptions about this gentleman. He works his ass off to make a good life for his children and himself. He gives to all around him. If you were half the human being he is you would not be harassing him in this way.

      1. Not harassing him. He’s being an ass.
        Do you also think you have an unalienable “right” to go to a concert during a global pandemic? Or…….. since no one is forcing you to get vaccinated yet the concert requires it (private company) that you would simply say, oh that sucks but I get it (no shirt, no shoes, no service)? But no, this crybaby starts calling the concert promoters Nazis, bullies, totalitarians, etc……. “Robbing” his kids of their entitled joy?
        That he’s being “forced to take an unsafe vaccine”. Blah blah blah. He’s being a bitch, plain and simple. I have his comments and screen shots as well. Yet unlike this asshole I don’t need to write a blog about it in an attempt to show the world how “mean” he was to me. Lol.
        100% victim. I’m sorry for his loss, but he’s a whiny little bitch. Entitled piece of shit

        1. Please provide quotes. Nazi? Never. Paying for a service and then having that service held as a carrot to submit to totalitarian public health services? Yes. That’s breach of contract and theft of an agreed upon transaction. They have yet to make clear guidance or reparations.

          I didn’t say I had a “right” or “forced to take an unsafe vaccine.” You are either not paying attention or lying. Provide your screen shots.

          1. Lmfao. You’re a douchebag. Entitled piece of shit. Never seen such bullshit white privilege

          2. So telling that you’re changing your story.
            Poor little whiny white punk.
            Take your ball and go home.

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