Kill Baby Thanos Club

We start our new comic book and graphic novel club tomorrow and it took me a while to find the right name.

When my girlfriend’s daughter gifted us tiny, plastic babies, this one reminded me of baby Thanos.

In Avengers: Endgame, a character makes an awkward suggestion to use time travel to go back to kill the film’s villian, Thanos, as a baby. Although shut down with talk of the particulars of Marvel Cinematic Universe time travel, it was a nod to both the “Would you kill baby Hitler?” question and the Mavel comics storyline exploring the possibility of killing Thanos as an infant.

Moral conundrums aside, the moment is hilarious.

Our comic collection is widely varied. I still have a huge, and largely worthless, stash from the 90s and my sons have been haphazardly accumulating books for years. I want to share our illustrated riches with our friends, but from Punisher and Deadpool to independent books delving into controversial social debates, I’m not sure where everyone’s limits will lie.

I hope that “Kill Baby Thanos Club” is provocative enough to let people know that this will be a censorship-free zone. I don’t aim to create controversy, but I’ve never shielded my sons from it and don’t have much skill in protecting anyone else.

The name suggestion started as a joke around the tiny toy, but it rang true as soon as it was uttered. I wanted to ask my girlfriend if she would mock up a logo for me, but she’s a professional and I hate asking for freebies. Unsurprisingly, she read my mind and sent me this image later in the day. It sealed the fate of the group’s title.

Huge thanks to the wildly talented Kristen Steele.