Masks Still Don’t Work

I was interested in the effectiveness of masks before Covid madness settled into American culture. During six days in the hospital with my wife I learned that there was little enforcement or consistency with mask policy, even in the ICU with a respiratory infection.

I didn’t dive deep at the time, but I was surprised to read that masks were largely regarded as useless outside a surgical setting, according to decades of studies.

In 2020, I revisited those studies with a closer, and less emotional, eye. I hadn’t fooled myself, masks created more of a sense of security than actual health or safety. I don’t know why doctors and nurses ignore this, or perpetuate the farce. I don’t really know why Dr. Fauci told the world that masks were ineffective, then told the world they were. I was lying then, but I’m telling the truth now? Sounds like classic toxic male.

Unregistered with Thaddeus Russell: Ian Miller

Ian Miller is data obsessed and has been publishing official government statistics in chart form since near the beginning of the Lockdown.

In this conversation with Thaddeus Russell, Miller shares how he became the go-to source for seekers of Covid data truth. Over and over again his charts showed that mask mandates had no measurable effect on health outcomes anywhere.

Disclosure: The link below is an affiliate link, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates

I’m seeing more people in masks again. It is important that we reach as many as who will listen about the lies that have been peddled about mask effectiveness.

This conversation and this book are great weapons of truth. Please take time to listen, read, and share. There will be another attempt by government offcials to deny citizens their rights of travel, speech, and assembly. We must be armed with the truth and be ready to speak it. We must defy the lies by acting against their mandates.