This Must Stop

My heart has been broken more times than I can remember in the last two years. Many Christians, crunchy hippies, family, friends, artists, librarians, and performers bowed to Lockdown propaganda and pledged allegiance to governmental powers that have hindered human flourishing for centuries.

I don’t know how much healing I’ve done. Just when I feel a relationship might be on the mend, another blow is struck.

Delaware Shakespeare begins their Community Tour today. It will be the first time the Zerbeys are not welcome.

I have read more than enough literature to convince me that masks are not healthy for us. This is a sincere and well-read stand for my family’s health.

I have tried to leverage my relationship with Delaware Shakespeare to share this information and make a plea for all of us who are choosing to protect our health as we see fit. It has fallen on deaf ears. Medical freedom will not be honored at their shows.

Below is my most recent communication to them and screenshots of the latest guidelines for Delaware counties. I’m not alone in my sentiments and I hope more lovers of Shakespeare speak up and ask to once again be welcomed into the community.

Dear Delshakes,

I’m very sorry to hear about your masking requirements. You are coercing people into behavior that has been proven to range from neutral to harmful in relation to mental and physical health and wellness. Excluding the parts of your community who are following peer-reviewed studies does not appear to fit your stated purpose of inclusion.

CDC guidance has loosened in healthcare facilities and all guidance for Delaware counties says masks are optional. 

It is never too late to champion individual health and choice. We will be here, waiting.

With Sadness,


Rereading it now, I wonder how long we will be here. With organizations as large as DelShakes shifting their focus to political and health matters, I wonder how much interest in live theater will wane.