Isaiah 22: Hubris in Jerusalem

Isaiah 22:11 KJV — Ye made also a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but ye have not looked unto the maker thereof, neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago.

The people and rulers of Jerusalem knew that trouble was coming. An Assyrian attack was inevitable. They denied the invaders their unprotected cattle by feasting on them. They built a brilliant tunnel from a well outside the city walls to a reservoir on the inside.

They forgot something in their preparations…God.

God created us to be creators like Him.  To create is to honor our own Creator. The hazard lies in forgetting the Creator and thinking that we are the source of innovation and inspiration.

It becomes easy to worship the product of our industry. It becomes easy to worship ourselves as designers and builders.

When we forget the source of our abilities, we forget our proper place in the Universe. Without orientation, we become lost and invite disaster.