In This Together

For today’s Delaware Fun-A-Day build, I stumbled upon a super simple elephant lifeboat and had to make it work.

My sons helped me create an odd couple to trap together. This elderly cat lover is stuck with the old curmudgeon she’s lived with for 17 years.

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It may not be Hitchcock’s Lifeboat, but the tension between these two and the wedge of cheese will have to break.

The Canary Camel

The printing on the figurehead is the only non-yellow element of this build.

I enjoy starting with an arbitrary limitation and I’m sure I will have more monochrome sculptures this month.


It’s Day 4 of our Delaware Fun-A-Day and these One Piece designs are complicated! I’m already behind on daily builds. I also have to scale down the size of each build to fit our ultimate display space.

I’m staying with a nautical theme with this private island getaway.

The Boin Archipelago

Chubby Usopp may be my favorite part of this build, and I had nothing to do with it. Westen (14) is our character master and engineered an amazing overweight slingshot sniper.

Usopp is trapped on Boin (pronounced Bow-in) Archipelago where food is plentiful. It’s a strange place for many reasons. It’s not an archipelago, but a series of carnivorous plants that lure creatures in with delicious food, fatten them up, and eat them.

This video and image were very helpful.

The island is full of different forests so I used my imagination to come up with some perilous areas.

The inner and outer arms move like mouth parts to pour prey into the ring of teeth at the center.

Sanji and Zeff Meet

I hope I don’t take so much time on each of these builds!

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I haven’t read the manga, nor watched the anime, so I’m relying on the Netflix series and Isaac’s deep knowledge to fuel these One Piece builds.

Sanji is my favorite character in the Netflix series. In the anime, he’s a childish pervert and terribly unlikable. In the live-action translation, he’s comfortable in his skin and a gentleman to ladies, if only in affectation.

This island is the unnamed rock he lands on after the pirate chef Zeff and he lose their ships in a storm.

Zeff plays the villian and Sanji is just a boy who was working in his ship’s galley. Zeff unfairly splits the rations and commands the child to stay on the other side of the rock until one of them spots a passing ship.

An incredible amount of time passes before Sanji is out of food and charges across the rock, demanding more food. He discovers that Zeff’s sack is still full…of treasure. When he asks how Zeff stayed alive without food all this time, the camera pans to Zeff’s severed leg and a makeshift kitchen smeared with blood.

After Zeff’s sacrifice, the two become lifelong friends and the elder mentors the boy into a great chef.

This build was a lot of fun. Working with a limited pallet of mostly grey is difficult and I had to create exposed studs on all sides of the rocky mushroom.

There are some great details I hope you can see in person at the Delaware Fun-A-Day show in November.

October Fun-A-Day

Today is the first day of our third time participating in Delaware Fun-A-Day.

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We’re bulding Lego scultpures and leaning into a One Piece theme.

I warmed up with a set I bought myself to kick off the month. This otter habitat got its hooks in me when I saw the new otter figures. It was a perfect build to get me going as One Piece is full of islands and ships and aquatic creatures.

My younger son has read over 100 volumes of the One Piece manga. We recently watched the Netflix live action version and I was taken with some of the designs. I started picking Isaac’s mind about the many islands, ships, fortresses, and creatures that exist in tis fictional world. He was more than happy to find innumerable references from the anime and manga. He’s going to be my guide as I try to cobble together our version of the One Piece universe.

It’s nearing midnight now and my first island is coming along slowly. It is a large mushroom of rock in an unflinching sea.

I’m publishing now to get the post done for today. I will share the finished island tomorrow.

Lego Club: #30DaysOfArtChallenge

Facilitating art-making is becoming a passion. It was a joy to help our friends with their creations during our Lego Unschool Club.

After, I happily received messages from friends who wish to support our tattoo business enterprise in material ways.

I can feel the momentum building as the pieces come together.