364 Devotionals: Opening

How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen?
-Habakkuk 1:2

Listening is hard. We don’t want to hear certain things, so we act like God isn’t speaking to us. The more we open our hearts for difficult truths, the more we are enriched with His wisdom.

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365 Devotionals: Humble Strength

This was [John the Baptist’s] message: “After me comes the one more powerful than I.”
-Mark 1:7

This devotional lesson ends with a prayer, “Father…Give me your strength so that I might love your world.”

Love is a humbling thing. It will put you on your knees to fix your girlfriend’s toilet or get you out of bed to help a friend in the night.

It takes strength to love. That strength can manifest as vulnerability or an attentive ear. It could call for being supportive or critical. Love requires you to find strength that you did not know you had.

I pray for God’s strength to love as Jesus loved.

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365 Devotionals: Committed

“Come,” he replied, “and you will see.”
-John 1:39

It wasn’t until I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior that I began to see His infinite love. In that love, the verbal and mental commitment became a spiritual one.

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365 Devotionals: In Faith

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.”
-Mark 8:29

This one is calling me out today. I have a truth I’ve been fearful of sharing with someone. I’m unsure how to communicate it and worried that the wrong words will be damaging.

But it can’t wait any longer. I’m hiding behind assumptions and letting confusion reign.

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365 Devotionals: Sinners Wanted

Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
-Mark 2:17

I approached Christianity thinking it would relieve me of my sinful ways.

I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart when I realized that the healing I would feel would be through His love for me in spite of my sinful nature.

I’m no less a sinner than I was, but I have a lot more love in my life. As I radiate love into the world, I have fewer opportunities to contribute to its fallen state.

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356 Devotionals: Heal Each Other

A man with leprosy came to him and begged on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus was indignant. He reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. Be clean!”
-Mark 1:40-41

In March 2020, I was volunteering with homeless families who were using our church as temporary residence for the week. This was a regular act of service for me and my sons.

Talk around the dinner table turned toward the coronavirus that appeared to have escaped from China. “Social distancing” was a new phrase to me and I joked that Jesus would hate for us to embrace the sick and needy. It didn’t go over well. I knew then that something insane was happening and that I might not be able to count on Christians to stand strong.

I stayed with the overnight shift and helped with the simple breakfast setup. One of the families had a member who had been having respiratory discomfort most of the night. They wanted to go to the hospital and I directed them to the bus stop across the street. I looked outside and it was still dark and rain was pouring down, “There’s an urgent care just up the road, can I drive you there?” I had just enough room in my minivan for my sons and the family and I couldn’t send them into the dark rain. The urgent care wasn’t yet open, so I drove them to the hospital.

I got word later that day that the afflicted individual had been diagnosed with a streptococcus infection, not dissimilar from Mary’s. It didn’t change my calculation in any way. I could not send that family into the rain while ill. I could not send them on an unfamiliar route to an unfamiliar hospital. I would do the same a hundred times over if given the opportunities.

It doesn’t seem heroic, foolish, or particularly Christian. It feels like the common courtesy and helping hand I have often tried to extend to others. The repeated examples of Jesus holding the sick and “unclean” moved my heart to take up a similar path for myself.

I am grateful for these oppotunities to care for my fellow man and not shun them for my own perceived safety.

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365 Devotionals: In The Open

The man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
-Genesis 3:8

This blog and my online presence has largely been an effort to not hide. I know I can’t hide from God, but staying accountable to as many people as possible helps me stay out of trouble. Sort of.

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365 Devotionals: Create and Maintain

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
-Genesis 2:15

God created us to create. I do that in this space. I do it with my sons in all types of ways. I create connections and strengthen bonds between people I know so they can create.

All of our actions create change in the world.

What are you creating?

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365 Devotionals: Go and Connect

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed, “Everyone is looking for you!”
-Mark 1:35-37

Jesus had a habit of going off on his own to reconnect with the Father. This is the first weekend I haven’t had my sons with me in over two months. I’m not alone, but this weekend is about connection. Yesterday I connected with myself in difficult jiu-jitsu competition. I paused in the middle of the day to take time with God’s Word and check in. It’s very easy to fall into the excitement and anxiety of a moment and forget why you are there. This habit of returning to the Word each day is grounding me.

I’m going to carry this connection with me into my first psychedelic experience. I don’t know what I will find there, but I know my heart and mind are with God and He is with me. I feel safe in this place.

As today’s devotional is titled, I’m about to Get Away. I pray in Jesus’s name for continued safety, love, and enlightenment.

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365 Devotionals:

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.
-1 Peter 1:8

I am blessed with a love of the unseen. My earliest memories are of being in a dark cabinet, imagining mythological avatars in space battles. My father was a rebel among Jehovah’s Witnesses and fed my imagination with Norse, Eastern, and Catholic imagery along side black-and-white monster movies and classic Star Trek.

The unseen was no less real to me than the narrow spectrum of visible light. I felt the Holy Spirit out in the woods…and still do.

I thought faith in Jesus Christ was impossible for me, maybe because He appeared to me as a man who existed in the physical realm. Now I see the invisible garments that the Holy Spirit had been weaving for me. My faith feels inevitable and more comfortable than any belief I wore before.

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