One More Drop

This video of a Pfizer employee admitting to the company’s interest in modifying the Covid-19 virus for financial gain has been seen by tens of millions of people.

Nonetheless, more need to see it for themselves. Youtube has banned it and a quick search revealed more “fact checker” articles than source material.

This is a snapshot of my Instagram Story views. The first two directly reference the Project Veritas video. While all my numbers are puny, the Pfizer video memes are getting a fraction of the exposure.

This may just be a drop in the ocean, but every view counts when the entrenched powers don’t want you watching.

Celebrating a Creator

James Greatorex is one fine creator. I met him on the soccer field and he quickly became my sons’ favorite player to trade comic book banter with…check that, he is their favorite HUMAN with which to commiserate on all illustrated narrative matters.

I’ve loosely followed the creation of his own title and I was totally excited to see that it hit the streets today!

Purchasing details have yet to be revealed, but I promise to share links and info here (heck, I’ll deliver you a copy if that’s what it takes) soon.

Stand Up for Children

This mom is standing up for her children:

Letter to the Editor: U-CF board avoiding parents

Posted by ChaddsFordLive on September 17th, 2021

After the August school board meeting, the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District board members decided to retreat to a virtual format in order to avoid having to face parents who could not be trusted to act with “civility” and, in the words of Board President Jeff Hellrung, because there was a controversial topic “likely to spark even more parent anger than masks” on the September agenda.

There were other reasons given, such as fear of Covid spread and “fears for their safety” due to the behavior of parents in other districts (the worst thing they could say about our parents were that one parent “refused” to stick to his three-minute time limit, and they were interrupted in their business by some heckling which they shouldn’t have to tolerate).

Clearly, at this point, there is no legitimacy to their “fears of safety,” and it was clear that the primary reason they retreated to a virtual format was to avoid having to deal with or be interrupted by angry parents as they conducted their business.

I’ve engaged in a lengthy email exchange with Mr. Hellrung, at first inquiring why the board changed the September format to virtual, then informing him of his legal and moral obligations under the state Sunshine Act to the parents of UCFSD to allow them to attend and face the board in person. But I have been stonewalled.

Although at the current moment, the October board meeting is still scheduled to be held in the auditorium, Mr. Hellrung has made it clear they reserve the right to move any meetings to a virtual format, so clearly, we cannot trust that the October meeting and others on the future docket will not be moved to virtual as well.

Lori Peters
Birmingham Township

The following was my response:

Rules for thee, not for me.

The Board is clearly willing to break the law in order to protect itself. Is there no law enforcement official willing to stand up to protect the rights of children and parents?

The lack of transparency and backbone in these politicians may be criminal.

Time for Exodus

I just watched a video of Canadian police arresting a pastor for holding church service.

Those who choose to serve the government betray themselves, their fellow man, and God.

Our governors have behaved like little pharaohs for over a year. They, and those who enforce their dictates, are our enemies. We must turn our backs on their authority. We don’t have to physically leave their jurisdiction to be free. We can choose freedom right here.

God bless you and your freedom.

Christian AF

Ha! I’m so inappropriate and a deeply flawed follower of Christ.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

However, this Sunday I attended service at Iron Faith Fellowship, announced a Christian book study (The Pilgrim’s Progress) I’m leading, attended a meeting about a play I’m helping out with based on the same book, and got on a Zoom meeting about a youth mission trip lead by Aldersgate United Methodist Church.

I pray to maintain this God-centered focus throughout my week.

I’m Trying to Tell You Something

Everything about widowhood is unconventional. Dating might be the most disorienting part.

We don’t get rules, there isn’t an expected course. There are no charts to guide us. If we’re lucky, we find someone else who has gone (or is concurrently going) through a similar hell.

I find it hard to imagine that one who has not experienced the guilt, pain, joy, bliss, confusion, and occasional crystal clear clarity of romantically connecting after loss could help me in the way my widowed friends have.

I’m trying to find a way to put it all down here. I’ve had more than two years of surprising romantic adventures. I’ve learned a lot and I hope my stories can help those navigating their own unexpectedly single lives.

This is a baby step as I find comfort with my own journey. There are reasons the widowed only talk with each other about these things. I want to break that secrecy to release the subject from taboo. I want to educate those who may want a romantic connection with a widow or widower. I want to be a safe place for the widowed to discuss difficult feelings. I want to share my lessons, mistakes, and moments of growth. I want people to understand how much conflict is within the happiest looking widow or widower. I want people to know that it is never easy for us, that we never “move on,” and that our happiness always feels like it cost too much.

Supporting Kidds: The Center for Grieving Children and Their Families

As a widowed father to two children, Supporting Kidds, Inc. has been a critical piece of our healing. They have been creative and steadfast in their support of families when government regulations would keep us apart.

Please consider supporting them and all the families who have suffered loss in Delaware on March 4th.

Damn It, Jung

“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” -Carl Jung

I try to live in this way, but it can feel like a curse.

It seems the more I live in celebration of life, the more death manifests around me.

I have lost two soccer friends in the last year. Both very close to my age. Both husbands.

I have a calling to help survivors. I don’t know what to do with it. I don’t feel strong enough to fulfill it.

It’s not really a choice. It’s my purpose, at least for now.

This is when the roots reach down to a new hell. A hell for people I don’t even know. A hell I’ll willingly reach down into to offer a hand up.

God, I pray for rest and to wake with the strength that I need to fulfill your mission for me.

Single Delaware Dadding

The Lockdowns have been difficult on childcare. I’ve worked hard to be creative and curate a supportive group of wonderful families who are willing to help me when I need some time away from my sons.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

This weekend I had the pleasure of viewing Salvador Dalí’s Stairway to Heaven exhibit at the Biggs Museum of American Art in Dover.

Less surrealistic than what I’m used to seeing of Dalí’s work, it is a collection of illustrations intended to accompany Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy.

It was a needed escape to the Museum and into Dante and Dalí’s worlds.