Isaac’s stitches are ready to come out!
I’m inclined toward the argument that we are all biased to varying degrees. An “expert” is going to be biased toward their subject of interest. In many cases, you want someone who loves their subject matter to be your source. For example: Soccer is my favorite team sport, so it might be a good idea to ask me about the rules of the game.
On trickier subjects, I want the bias to be presented up front, “As a Christian…” “From a Jungian perspective…,” “As a former…”
Bias recognition and proper appropriation are my major markers for whether a source is trustworthy or not.
Arguing with Dumb Memes
Jesus asked his supporters to give up their wealth to feed the needy. He did not threaten them with imprisonment. Following Jesus is voluntary, the State is coercive.
Caught Up
After tackling some household projects, I’m falling in for the hype around this Tyson/Paul fight.
Keeping it Simple
Meat and potatoes for my lovely family tonight.
Rest for the Sake of Rest
I treat rest as a method for becoming more productive.
I want to change my mindset and settle into restfulness for the direct benefit of my spirit.
This applies to all people. Sometimes we demonstrate kindness before any thought of why we are doing it and sometimes we are kind because we feel an obligation to something greater than ourselves.
I’m not well versed in Judiasm, but I don’t believe it holds that we can know the heart of another man. Many kind acts have selfish motivations that we would rather not see or admit exist.
I do know that Judiasm has many rules around behavior, while Christianity simply says, Love thy neighbor. Love is not an act, but inspires and directs one’s behavior.
Regardless of belief structure, I judge my own acts in this way: Am I acting in Love?
Yoga is Scary and Bad
Romans 8:31-32 KJV — What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
I just saw a video claiming that yoga violates the Bible’s prohibition on “necromancy.” The same video warns against listening to “false words.”
I’ve done a quick search and can’t find “necromancy” or “necro” in the most common translations.
Yoga can be a distraction from God, but it need not be. Anything can be a distraction from God. Anything can offer false worship. It is our attention and the orientation of our heart that determines what we worship. You cannot be deceived if your eyes are on God.
The yoga panic is a distraction. Professional sports, celebrity worship, substance abuse, etc., etc…these are the false idols plaguing our society.
Yoga is amazingly beneficial in physical terms. I wouldn’t waste my time with it if it didn’t increase me ability to train jiu-jitsu and play soccer.
Judaism and Christianity could not have integrated pagans without also integrating their traditions. This is the way blood sacrifices came into Old Testament rituals and allowed Jesus to come and relieve the need for them. Recognize sin, forgive it, integrate it. Do it all in love.
American culture has thoroughly watered down yoga. There are more “natural product” demons in studios than Hindu ones.
I have had too many spiritual moments with God during yoga practice. These criticisms are fear based and lack a loving connection to God.
Memes I Disagree With
Jesus said the Law was handed down to show us that we can’t follow the Law. We can’t live in a negative, not fully. We must live in Love. When you love God, yourself, and those around you, you are driven to treat all of those entities with care and respect.
A Good Day to Not Blog
From the chiropractor, to helping a neighbor’s dog, to helping a neighbor’s cat, to hours outside with home education friends new and old, to jiu-jitsu for both sons, to this beautiful soccer field for me…it was quite a day.