
Dracule Mihawk carries an absurdly large sword and captains one of the smallest ships found in the world of Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece.

The Hitsugibune is coffin shaped and adorned with green-flamed candles. This was the last detail I added and was an extra joy as we own just two green flame elements. I’ve never seen much use for them, but they are perfect in this build.

The mast is a scaled-up version of the hilt of Mihawk’s sword. That sword may also appear in our Delaware Fun-A-Day exhibit.

Modern Parenting Tropes Are Shit

Teaching boys to approach relationships in this manner is disgusting.

This is toxic masculinity as promoted by women.

I’m dead serious.

You want name brand? Pay for it. You want to lend things out? Learn to not expect them back. Treat every woman as honestly as you treat your mom. And for God’s sake, treat your mom with integrity. Even if she wants you to deceive other women.

Nextdoor Endorsement

Head over to Nextdoor.com and sign up. Now.

It’s neighborhood specific, but always provides entertainment. Right now, we’re laughing about cougars, undercover police impersonators, and too much “skunk” being smoked “everywhere by everyone” in suburban Delaware.

This is an unpaid endorsement. I’m just trying to spread the joy.

You Need to Know These Things

Tom Woods’ Western Civilization course starts with the Hebrew Bible. He notes that this was accepted as history for thousands of years and, after contemporary discoveries in archeology, has regained some of its reputation as a historical text that syncs with our best evidence.

His justification for starting with the Bible for the beginning of Western civilization is simple: You need to know these things.

There is an effort in home education to separate “religious” materials from “secular” materials. I genuinely don’t understand the attempt to ignore the religious texts, rituals, and history of any culture. To remain ignorant of the foundational traditions of your own culture will leave you lost in your own home.

I Didn’t Vote, and Neither Did You

Not every American is eligible to vote, yet they are all governed by the elected. Less than half of eligible voters actually do so during midterm elections. Even during record turnout years for presidential elections, fewer than 3/4 of the voting population goes to the polls.

The winner of any given election is chosen by a minority of the people who will be governed.

Where voter turnout exceeded 2018 highs

The elected are not legitimate. They are chosen by the few to govern the many. We were sold a myth of American Democracy in school, it has never been true.

Join the majority of Americans and escape the elite illusion. I was once a proud and frequent voter and like a series of other bad habits, there was a last time I acted on it. Let your last time be your last time.