The Beautiful Gratitude

I married the greatest soccer manager, supporter, and cheerleader one could imagine. It started when I moved to Delaware and she helped me find a home with  Concord Soccer Association. I joined their adult co-rec team, Classics II, and got back to playing the same month our first son was born. Soccer was never too much, even when I took over managing as we had our second son. Mary more-than-ensured that soccer was a part of our lives. She brought our boys to games, did almost all of the managing paperwork, and listened to my endless recaps of games or plays she missed.

Mary didn’t have a whole lot of incentive to cultivate my love of the game. She came from a football coach dad and soccer got me into trouble while we were dating. We played and celebrated hard in those days and after being banned from a bar or two, a possible assault, and having a teammate throw up on her I don’t know how Mary thought soccer should stay in our lives. Again, her wisdom and patience saved me. Leading Classics II has been the greatest experience outside blood family I’ve had over the last ten years. They’ve become family. And not only these great folks, but the other teams I’ve been blessed to play with, the charity tournaments, the pickups, the opponents, and the other leaders I’ve gotten to watch and learn from, our soccer family is enormous and generous. From delivered meals, donations to the boys’ education fund, invitations to pro games, Bible studies, parties, and dinners to well wishes and prayers, our soccer family has embraced us and protected us.

Soccer has never been an “escape” for me, but more of a meditation. My mind is in a different mode on the field, but Mary and the boys are always there with me. As I glance over to see the boys playing while I play, I feel blessed that this isn’t some part of Daddy’s life that they didn’t know. I’m blessed that Mary inspired me to be a better player, leader, dad, and human. Her memory still inspires me and guides me in how to go about that.

After 30 years of playing I’ve got too many people to thank. Maybe you’re one of those people.

Thank you and God bless,

Daffodils and Gratitude

Like so many things, I didn’t discover Winterthur until we had children. It started with a visit in 2013 and we were hooked from the start.

We joined directly and began discovering all the wonderful experiences and people that make up this magnificent estate. Terrific Tuesdays, Kids Grow, Time Traveler’s Tour, Wow Wee Ones, Touch-It Room, innumerable tram tours…yikes…there are too many things to list. And the programs are only possible because of an amazing staff and volunteer core. One thousand acres, a 175-room museum, and top-quality activities all through the year; it should take an army, but from our second visit we were seeing familiar faces. Our boys have made friends with tram drivers, gardeners, docents, member representatives, and a big wig or two. On Mary’s passing we received personal notes from volunteers and employees. Some attended her memorial. They’ve been a special part of our family.

The image above is from Mary’s last hike there. Carrying family, she did it every day and got to act out the role on this beautiful Second Saturday walk in January. We’re going to return for another special walk with Chris Strand this weekend. Fortunate for us (and many others), it’s also Daffodil Day. Celebrating spring and the new Follies garden displays, it’s the perfect way to discover, or rediscover, the wonder of Winterthur.








God bless,

Waking Up With Iggy Pop

I’m gonna break into your heart
I’m gonna crawl under your skin
I’m gonna break into your heart
And follow till I see where you begin

-Iggy Pop, “Break Into Your Heart”

Mary would not have liked to hear this first thing in the morning.

She broke into my heart at a time when I was completing construction of another defensive shield. She opened me up to a world that I was reluctantly giving up on. She introduced me to a big family and community of friends and showed me how to navigate all these wonderful people.

Mary’s death hasn’t broken my heart, but broken into it. It’s the excitement and possibility of a new love, the terror of being found out to be an unworthy sinner, and the adrenaline pump of being one goal down with four minutes to go.

Mary was the perfect concert mate, even when she wasn’t particularly thrilled about the artist. This show was something special. It was shortly after David Bowie had died and Iggy didn’t mention him once, but played almost all of The Idiot, an album he wrote and recorded with Bowie. He played his best material with the tightest backing band. Although I failed to turn her into a fan, she thoroughly enjoyed the show and I earned permission to play the cleaner songs around the house.

Life is different around here, nowadays you might find the Zerbey Three listening to this gem:

God bless,


The Personal Pronoun Problem

My name is Jason Zerbey. In my 39th year I found Jesus and lost my wife, Mary Zerbey.

We were home educating our 6- and 8-year-old boys. I was the lead educator and Mary supported us financially through her job, emotionally through her love, and spiritually through her spirit.

Now I’m trying to puzzle together our new life without her. She provided too much to replace, but more than we need to celebrate her legacy through our exploits.

I stopped drinking, but I still can’t speak clearly. “We” used to cover it all. No matter if I was on my own or in any temporal combination of Zerbeys, it was always, “We went here ,” “We did this,” “We decided that…” Everything was as a team. The Zerbey Three are still a team, but there’s now an “I” that has to show up.

I’m very much out of “I” practice.

With many blessings, we are surrounded by amazing communities here in Delaware and worldwide who are uplifting that “I.” Even so, I can’t decide whether they are “my boys” or “our boys.” Context seems to matter, but I have learned to listen to my heart more closely than I do the Chicago Manual of Style or Grammar Girl.

We Zerbey Three still feel Mary working in our lives. God has taken her body, but He’s left us her nearly boundless love. We’re on this new journey with Mary and for Mary.

So if you catch me using an awkward-sounding “we,” don’t worry, it’s not denial, it’s truth.

God bless,


February Took My Mary, April Brought Back Poetry

Mary always wanted me to write her a poem.

I had hit a 12-man defense of writer’s block shortly before we met and was never able to work my way through it. I don’t know why I stopped writing or why I couldn’t start again. Maybe I got too practical, political, earthly. Or maybe the healing I found in poetry was now embodied in this beautiful spirit who was leading me into a fuller and healthier life.

The books of poetry, the journals, and the floppy disks of verse are still around, but I haven’t really shared that old passion with my children. Losing Mary has stripped me right down to all my weaknesses. The worst is when they seem like too much for me to overcome. The best is when I can take a breath and confront one.

As National Poetry Month, April used to be special for me. This April can feel like the cruelest at times, but God has placed poetry in front of me again and I won’t ignore it. My younger son picked up a book seemingly about dragons and it turned out to be about Matsuo Basho.  Then I ran into Jonathan Whitney at Delaware Art Museum and he encouraged me to attend a special music and poetry presentation at The Delaware Contemporary. It was a “say yes” moment and helped orient our lives in a healing direction.

The Twin Poets and Mélomanie were amazing and Jonathan was fierce on the box drum.











My boys sat for nearly two hours in the front row and really listened. The younger wanted to buy the Twin’s book of poetry, Our Work, Our Words and I quickly learned that it was specifically for the soccer and E-A-G-L-E-S–infused piece, “no time to study.”








Poetry is back in our lives and the timing is no coincidence. I don’t know if I’ll finally be able to write that poem for Mary, or if one of the boys will take up the task, but I do know that we’re missing a beautiful part of our lives and we’re trying to fill it with tangible and intangible creations of love. I expect a lot of that work to be done in words.

God bless,


Knee Deep in Nature

To Delaware Nature Society,

You, your lands, and your programs have meant much to our family for a long time. There are too many properties, events, and adventures to list. Mary was with us every time she could be and I sent her pictures from each one of our visits without her. We had our most peaceful moments as a family while outside, discovering. We’re a very active bunch, but trekking with Mary and our boys helped teach me how to quiet down, slow down, and observe. I thought I was doing it to show them, but I ended up learning a lot about nature and myself.

It’s hard to conceive of a beautiful life without Mary. Even when I recognize beauty in the world I want to share it with someone who isn’t here.

But we will find peace and comfort outside. We’ll see Mary in the snowdrops, lambs, bird songs, still ponds, rolling streams, bunnies, and familiar faces of all the Nature Society’s lands.

Thank you and God bless,


Where the Angels Ever Sing

This would have been Mary’s first Easter as a Christian and member of Aldersgate United Methodist Church. She was very patient with me as I took the long path to Salvation. She just led the way, showed me what it was to live like a Christian before we made any promises.

We had attended Aldersgate for a couple years and enjoyed the variety and energy of the community. We volunteered in small ways and engaged in their fun social events, but I had an obstacle that prevented me from being ready for baptism. I couldn’t identify my problem directly and felt stuck. Right around this time I was invited to join a new men’s Bible study organized through the church. As He had done so many times before, God offered me another baby step towards Him. Mary is the one who made it happen. She was our master scheduler and ensured that I attended as many of these weekly meetings as possible. She was naturally in tune with God and effortlessly did His work on Earth.

I finally spent time with God’s word: reading, listening, and discussing. I was surprised at the excitement I felt on academic, spiritual, and psychological levels. (If you’re unsure if “faith” is right for you, listen to Jordan Peterson’s Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories lecture series.) It wasn’t real time, but at a certain point I realized that I believed in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I had seen God in the natural world from an early age. I had known I wasn’t just lucky, that the Holy Spirit had been working through me for some purpose for years. But I didn’t know Jesus Christ until I spent time with the Word. Seems stupid now, how in the world would I get to know someone without listening to him? However stupid I was, I’m confident I know less now. But, at least, I know a couple very important things.

Mary’s there with Him now. Free of this awful, suffering world. Being patient with me again, peacefully waiting for me to join her. I don’t know when my work here will be done, but I know the reward of eternal life will be that much sweeter knowing Mary is there.

Thank you and God bless,


Your Corner

Two years ago, Delaware Art Museum started a new tradition with their Kids’ Corner by inviting an Artist-in-Residence family to design and revamp the space each year. The most exciting part of this plan was to involve all of the museum’s families to participate in the shaping of the kid-friendly area.

Delaware Art Museum was where I first envisioned how adventurous home education could be. I left my job and came home to take care of a three-month-old and a two-year-old while my wife, Mary, supported our family. She suggested the Museum and I ventured out on one of our earliest excursions. It was challenging, but it was also enlightening. We could spend most of the day in this venue that I thought was meant for adults. We could talk about paintings and sculptures, sit and read books in Kids’ Corner, or be a little more structured and attend the weekly (and fantastic) Glory of Stories program.







I was, and still am, an absolute museum novice, but it didn’t matter. I quickly figured out that I didn’t have to be a “teacher” to my boys, I could learn alongside them and simply bring my excitement for knowledge acquisition.

This coming Sunday, families can come and feel that same excitement as the Museum unveils the newest incarnation of Kids’ Corner. You’ll be invited to participate in remaking the space and then visit all year and be able to say to your child, “You helped build this.”

God bless,


Excuse Me, Is That an Aerialist in Your Gallery?

Last year we attended Woodmere Art Museum’s Circus and Storytelling Family Festival.

Thankfully, the event is returning this year on Sunday, April 8th, 12:00-4:00 pm.

Woodmere is a beautiful museum in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania. They have some exciting exhibitions on now and I would recommend a visit to any family on any day.

But! The Family Festival is extra special. Stiltwalkers, storytelling, and the exceedingly entertaining Little Circus.  Along with the Give & Take Jugglers, we’ve seen the Little Circus perform at Brandywine River Museum of Art and Longwood Gardens. The act is not to be missed and my boys always make sure to get a front row spot.







Spring is already getting busy, but this is one event you should make sure to get to.

Thanks and God bless,


An Elevated Family

Three years ago this month our boys began training Brazilian jiu-jitsu at Elevated Studios.

Stephen and Renée Plyler have become so much to our family. They are mentors to our boys and treat them as equals. Stephen is an expert instructor and Renée always wants to know what’s happening on the home education front.

When Mary was sick, Stephen came and visited her and Renée is often watching the boys for me. They were at Mary’s memorial service and I can always count on them when I need help.

Incredibly, Elevated is even bigger than these two impressive individuals.  When the Roll for Zerbeys fundraiser was held, the studio was packed with students of all ages, parents, friends, and family. The children grappled with each other and black belts.

It’s not just skill that’s lifted up at Elevated. Every day they are empowering others to be stronger in mind, body, and spirit. I’ve learned a lot by observing Stephen’s teaching techniques and discussing the ins-and-outs of home education with Renée. My boys are more significant humans thanks to their guidance.

God bless,
