What is Conservatism?

“Conservativism” ranges from wanting to preserve a nostalgic fantasy of a far flung past to wanting to preserve a nostalgic fantasy of four (adjusted for inflation) minutes ago.

What Would Mary Think?

I sure don’t know.

The enormous magnolia in our front yard is a constant reminder that Mary is watching over us.

She always loved to bring the big blooms inside. I love going out each morning in May and June to look for ones within reach.

This one came with us to By Her Hand Tattoos. That’s where things get weird. Mary wouldn’t be surprised that I met a wonderful woman and started a business with her. Mary and I had similar dreams of working together to open a bookstore or cafe.

She would be surprised that I chose to open a tattoo studio. Neither of us had tattoos and I held them in disdain for my entire adulthood.

Losing Mary shattered many of the assumptions I had about myself. These six years have been the most uncomfortable. I’ve had to wrestle growth and change from a past Self that lived my wife-kids-home dream.

There’s a small part of me that still tugs toward the impossible nostalgia of that life.

Inflation for Dummies

I’m no economist, but it seems like a 26% to 33% increase in the money supply will drastically reduce the value of each dollar.

Government is the problem. Government collusion with banks and corporations is downstream from the power that government has to create money from nothing (fiat currency).

Toxic Relationship Advice

“No matter how dysfunctional things become, they would never let it take away the value of your relationship with them,” Cody Bret

This is a dangerous message. This is the kind of thinking that keeps people in abusive relationships.

I want a woman who will walk away if I fail to honor her, act in accordance with my words, and strive to be a better partner.

A beautiful relationship allows each partner the freedom to walk away. To wake up each day and know that the person next to you is choosing to be there is the best feeling.