The Shakes

My sons have completed another theatrical presentation of Shakespearean material. This was a mini Shakespeare Festival by Pages Alive Theater.

Isaac had a big moment as he recited Hamlet’s “To be, or not to be,” soliloquy.

Westen broadened his theatrical repertoire by choreographing and performing Mercutio’s fatal swordfight with Tybalt from Romeo and Juliet.

Olive volunteered to decorate the audience with face paint.

All the kids were wonderful and impressive in their many roles.

Them Unworthies

I’m focusing on these things today.

I lost my temper with my younger son last night. I yelled and it was scary. Yes, he is pushing me, but I am better than this tantrum behaviour would reveal.

I have an amazing family and many people who love me. That’s not a mistake, but I work to reflect all the love that I receive.

Know Your Master

Biden and Trump agreed with Fauci on initial response, lockdowns, rushing the “vaccines,” and printing money. Trump didn’t fire Fauci. Biden didn’t fire Fauci and went on to sell the same policies and medical interventions. Trump and Biden are both running on the “effectiveness” of so-called vaccines (i.e., therapeutics).

From outside of the two-party mentality, there is no distinction. Entrenched bureaucrats are running the show.

It Fits

My son and I were promoted in our respective jiu-jitsu journeys.

It took me a long time to earn my first colored belt. My love of soccer is as strong as ever and I split my time to the best of my abilities.

Westen is a force. Nine years of training has turned him into a technical, creative, and determined competitor…okay, he might have been born determined.

I was nervous about this promotion. With my insane number of interests, I never know if I’m putting enough into jiu-jitsu. However, when I attended class the next day, I felt like I might actually be a wearing the proper belt.

The new rank is inspiring me to find more time to train. There are higher expectations for a blue belt and I want to step up to the challenge.

We also got to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Elevated Studios. Renee and Stephen have been supportive as martial artists, friends, homeschoolers, business owners, and many other ways. We are deeply grateful for the atmosphere of learning they have built at Elevated.

Time to Buy a Gun

Delaware’s governor is about to sign into law permit requirements for purchase of any gun. Besides being unconstitutional and a tax against the vulnerable, similar laws in Maryland have not worked.

From the Washington Post:

However in Maryland, the annual number of murders over the past decade have exceeded the total in 2013, when the state’s permit law was passed. (2014 is the sole year that is an exception.)

This will be a costly program that does no good and will likely be struck down as unconstitutional.

Legislative analysts estimate that the permitting system will cost taxpayers about $3 million in initial implementation costs, and about $5 million annually thereafter, even after elimination of a proposed training voucher program for low-income people.

Don’t Teach

I may repeat myself frequently, but I don’t ever recall posting a “greatest hits” list of my own blog posts.

These came up today in response to the ubiquitous new homeschooler concern: Am I qualified to teach my child?

There’s a link in this one for enrolling in Delaware and some of my advice to new homeschoolers:

A lot of bits about NOT teaching and NOT reading Shakespeare:

Some on Deschooling: