Inappropriate Unschool Shakespeare Movie Night

Screens have been heavily limited as of late. Guitar lessons, park day, Lego club, improv class, reading, and church activities have filled our days.

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I missed our movie nights, so tonight we watched Scotland, PA, a retelling of Macbeth in 1970s Pennsylvania. It’s no more inappropriate than the source material and less grotesque than many stage versions.

It was exciting to witness my sons’ familiarity with the story. They were racing to identify characters and predict who would die next.

Late to Lent

It’s a strange time in my spiritual journey. God has never sent me so many signs that I’m heading in the proper direction, yet the tolls of this adventure are significant.

I pray every day, but there is a midway pause in the Exodus seminar I’m listening to and I’ve been remiss in replacing it with a daily study.

I’m testing out the Hallow app Lenten challenge with my sons. I’m unsure if it’s a good fit for us, but no other human resources are speaking strongly to me right now.

Modern Parenting Tropes Are Shit

Teaching boys to approach relationships in this manner is disgusting.

This is toxic masculinity as promoted by women.

I’m dead serious.

You want name brand? Pay for it. You want to lend things out? Learn to not expect them back. Treat every woman as honestly as you treat your mom. And for God’s sake, treat your mom with integrity. Even if she wants you to deceive other women.

Unschool Flashback

I shouldn’t have let my boys read Deadpool comics three years ago.

But how would I have had the ecstasy of my then 9-year-old bringing this to me and saying, “Dad! There’s a Wyeth in Deadpool!”

Bonus learning: We discussed how the subject in the painting was not his daughter.

Phetasy Overload

Bridget Phestasy is my favorite current events commentator. She coined the term “politically homeless” and speaks truth to power like early seasons of Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, The Daily Show, and South Park. Although, I hear South Park still has some fire.

The following links are a couple interviews followed by an episode of her somewhat weekly comedy news show.

Breathe Again

I’m venturing on a soon-to-be-announced business journey and my stress levels may be the highest I’ve ever experienced.

After neglecting my morning Wim Hof Method breathing, stretching, and affirmation routine for months, I went outside to treat my self better today.

I spent about 15 minutes laying out in the pre-dawn air and then got myself to a yoga class.

I’m not stress-free, but much on my anxiety lifted as I tackled the day’s checklist for our new adventure.

Learn Difficult Things

My younger has returned to Junior Rifle Club after a long hiatus.

He came back strong to earn his Pro-Marksman certificate, and is struggling in his second week to meet the same standard.

This is an interesting discipline I know little about. Consistency might be the greatest challenge. It takes discipline, patience, and preparation. These skills are transferable to every pursuit.

Full-On Unschool

Today was packed. The boys started with an improv theater class, then we came home for lunch and a wind down before biking to the library. There, I took care of some exciting personal business (more on that in the very near future) and they engaged in self-directed learning on how to create Roblox games using coding script. Once back home, they played with neighborhood friends for a couple hours before dinner. During dinner we watched a lesson from Tom Woods’ Western Civilization course and followed it up with an episode of Ancient Apocalypse.