Cold in Delaware

27°C in Dover this morning.

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I’ve been a wimp about cold showers lately, but regular with my morning breathing. hesitated when I saw the frosty ground and felt the air just after sunrise.

I started brewing coffee and composing a post in my head, great reasons to sit inside and avoid the cold.

I’m grateful for the crazy little voice in my head that convinces (compels?) me to do uncomfortable things.

After five rounds of Wim Hof Method breathing, I feel more alive and ready for another active week.

Let Actors Act

I continue to urge organizations like Delaware Shakespeare and Wilmington Drama League to stop coercing actors into vaccines that are being revealed as ineffective and unsafe.


Recently, The Lancet published a study ( on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible. The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus. These clinical alterations may explain the association reported between COVID-19 vaccination and shingles. As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued.

Brotherly Love

I often miss these moments. Sometimes it seems like my sons are always bickering or rolling around on the ground in a scuffle. The truth is that they get along remarkably well for never getting a break from one another.

Although both are performing in Don Quixote, they don’t frequently share the stage. Over months of practice, they have run lines for each other and, subsequently, learned most of the lines.

Before today’s show, they were able to help with last minute run throughs and blocking.

I forget that the lion’s share of their interactions are harmonious. They are often mistaken as twins and are unstoppable when working together.

Cobwebs and Lego

I’m a little superstitious about spiders. I’m not quick to sweep webs out of my house and I always try to save my favorite arachnids

Our vampire mariachi and dinosaur tooth cast have been perfectly accented by this windowsill web.

Our life may be a bit dusty, but it is full of these wonderful, tiny moments.

Nothing To See Here

Sperm Count Has Declined Almost 50% In Men Across The Globe In Recent Decades

Unfortunately, all we know from the study is that sperm count is declining, but not why.

Yet, earlier in the article they absolve worldwide Covid-19 vaccinations of any blame at all. They also neglect to mention the exponential increase in recommended vaccinations for children over the same time period as the study.

We will never solve problems if we refuse to look at all the possible causes.

Don Quixote

We have a full week of Don Quixote performances this week. Isaac has his largest speaking role yet as Sancho Panza in half the productions, and multiple duties as crew in the others. It’s been exciting to watch him grow in his responsibities.

Westen is playing his usual role of scene stealer. I think I caught him wondering when his Hamlet soliloquy would happen.

Always Learning

Sometimes we miss seemingly mundane opportunities to learn.

When my younger son’s bike tire blew out, I took him to the shop to ask for the right parts and guided him through the repair.

Once we were done with replacing the tire and tube, I was inflating the other when I got distracted and blew it too.

We got to practice our new skill and the second repair went quickly.

It was the kind of father-son Saturday activity that happens millions of times every weekend. We don’t always see these moments as special, but it is important to remember that they are.

I Didn’t Vote, and Neither Did You

Not every American is eligible to vote, yet they are all governed by the elected. Less than half of eligible voters actually do so during midterm elections. Even during record turnout years for presidential elections, fewer than 3/4 of the voting population goes to the polls.

The winner of any given election is chosen by a minority of the people who will be governed.

Where voter turnout exceeded 2018 highs

The elected are not legitimate. They are chosen by the few to govern the many. We were sold a myth of American Democracy in school, it has never been true.

Join the majority of Americans and escape the elite illusion. I was once a proud and frequent voter and like a series of other bad habits, there was a last time I acted on it. Let your last time be your last time.