Robert Barnes on the Absurd Alex Jones Trials

In this episode of The Tom Woods Show, Robert Barnes details the multitude of rights violations that Alex Jones suffered in his civil trials in Texas and Connecticut.

Put your feelings about Jones aside and listen to how these trials are an attempt to silence those who do not follow the corporatist media narrative. There were movie cameras on the judge and jury during the Texas hearing. It was a show trial with a pre-determined outcome.

These trials are bad news for freedom of speech and thought, they should be understood and denounced by every thinking individual.

My Kind of Weekend

Mushroom hunting, quiet time with my Bible, bird watching, lots and lots of laughing, camp fires for days, a little ice cream, soccer, and the best companion a guy could dream of made for the perfect fall weekend.

365 Devotionals: Blessing

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
-Philippians 4:23 NLT

I have been blessed with much grace.

I pray that I may have the patience and compassion to extend that grace to those around me. God’s gifts of love and forgiveness have no end. We can be transmitters of those gifts into the world.

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Girlfriend Appreciation Post

This is my first childless camping trip in 13 years.

As momentous as that is, it’s more special because it was Kristen’s idea and a last-minute surprise.

I’m grateful for her love of the outdoors and I’m grateful for the time we get to spend alone together.

Soccer Beat Me Up

And so did these kids.

After Sunday’s soccer I was hobbling around and more achy than usual. I didn’t think too much of it. I play hard and the bruises are inevitable. I heal quickly and my body soon craves more movement.

This week was different. It didn’t feel like an especially punishing game, but I was sore for days. I rested and abstained from jiu-jitsu and yoga. On Wednesday I had a wrestling match with these boys. They’re getting strong and I think six of them joined in at one point. That didn’t speed my healing, but I need this kind of activity.

I returned to yoga and jiu-jitsu today. It was a lot and I didn’t train as long as I had planned. I try to know my limits and stop when I need.

I’ll take another break before soccer on Sunday. I can’t stop for too long.

Why Silence Me?

I was banned from Delaware’s largest homeschool group on Facebook. I wasn’t given an explanation. I haven’t posted there in many months, although the last I checked, I had more than 700 posts and comments over nearly a decade as a member and two years as an administrator.

Recently, I have only added encouraging or resource-sharing comments.

As an invested member of the Delaware homeschool network, I have directed my online efforts toward bolstering and growing my home education community.

In 2020 there was a shift in leadership and direction. I felt the strain as the mission of the group became less clear to me. Even so, I felt it important to direct new homeschoolers to this useful place: Delaware’s Best Source of Homeschool Information.

A year later, they chose to enforce gubernatorial dictates meant for K-12 facilities for ALL events posted on their page. I posted openly against this new policy, citing that home educators in Delaware do not have to follow the same rules as K-12 facilities. Many of us are doing this because we see K-12 policies as contrary to the wellbeing of our children.

They deleted my post.

A month later they changed the policy, yet my post remained deleted: Support for All New Homeschoolers.

I knew many people who left the group after that. I decided to stay because I felt I had a lot to share with the community. I believe my track record of “Liked” comments there lends some credence to that statement.

I don’t quite know how to feel about the ban. I knew I wasn’t welcome by some, but that was personal drama that I didn’t let get in the way of helping families who needed it.

But I’ve got a visceral reaction to being silenced without explanation. I know others will go quietly and that is unjust. I’m going to pray, then sleep on the dilemma.

Alex Berenson’s Unreported Truths

The individuals and organizations who have coerced others into admitting themselves into a novel vaccine trial must not be forgotten.

Sign up for Alex Berenson’s Substack list for the news the propaganda drones don’t want you to read.

Florida tells young men to avoid mRNA Covid shots

Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladopo, yesterday warned men aged 18-39 not to take Covid vaccines.

On Sep. 30, Norway effectively discontinued further booster shots for almost everyone under 65.

The worldwide flight from mRNA shots continues

Now Australia has essentially ended its Covid vaccination program for healthy adults under 50 – and effectively banned the shots for people under 30, unless they have severe chronic illnesses.

Denmark ENDS Covid vaccinations for almost everyone under 50

Denmark did not explicitly say the risks of mRNA jabs now outweigh their benefits for healthy people under 50.

But that view is implicit in the announcement, which does not merely discourage but actually bans shots for those people, even though Denmark expects “a large wave of [Covid] infection” in the next few months.

The first real evidence mRNA shots RAISE the risk of Covid hospitalization and death over time

Based on one statistical analysis vaccinated people had a HIGHER risk of death or hospitalization from Covid roughly a year after receiving their second dose.

Six recent “Covid” deaths, per the Milwaukee coroner’s office

Which raises a somewhat unpleasant question: if Covid is no longer killing anyone who wasn’t at death’s door, why is overall excess mortality so high across the heavily mRNA vaccinated countries?

Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age

Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal.

Now go sign up for Berenson’s emails. Twitter, the White House, and the drug companies are trying to silence the truth.

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Bless Her Too

Another movie, another dead mother.

It didn’t trigger me this time. I don’t know why. The writing wasn’t that good and I wasn’t invested in any of the characters. I suppose that helped.

Maybe I’m getting used to this.

Soccer and Food and Gratitude

If I had known I would eat so well, I would have joined the Spanish leagues a lot sooner.

It’s a warm and welcoming atmosphere that’s also as passionate and performance demanding as I am.

I’m blessed to have made the connections that led me here. I’m blessed to have been given a shot in a league with no other white guys. I’m blessed to be playing with mostly younger players. I’m blessed to have inherited soccer blood from my grandfather.

I thank God for all these blessings.