Screw the Children

LEGO Stops Shipments of LEGO Products to Russia

I guess starving children isn’t enough?

Are Russian children not deserving of toys any longer? That doesn’t sound like a toy company treating children like humans.

What do they expect, that Lego-loving ten-year-olds will take up arms against the government?

Okay, my boys might do that, but that’s merely coincidental to their love of Lego.

The statement is more foolish than the headline. Lego is claiming supply disruptions as the reason to stop shipping to Russia, but apparently war-torn Ukraine is not disprupted.

Who is hurt most by a devalued ruble? Who is hurt when toys are withheld? Sanctions hurt the vulnerable the most. The world is playing political games with real lives.

We’ve been antagonizing a nuclear power for going on 30 years. Listen to the Scott Horton speech I posted: Scott Horton on Russia-Ukraine History.

Of course Russia shouldn’t aggress against a neighbor, but this didn’t come out of nowhere and the warnings have been there since Bush, Sr. and the end of the Cold War.

365 Devotionals: Community

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
-Acts 2:42

I didn’t think I needed this. For a time I didn’t think I needed even a partner for my spiritual journey. I’ve learned slowly. I always learn slowly.

It seems I also needed hard lessons like widowhood.

The difficult lessons and slow pace are paying off. In recent years I’ve found and built communities woven with my faith. I’m living more openly and honestly than ever and the people around me reflect truth.

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A Day on the Pond

I didn’t take many pictures today as we woke in our tent to rain and waited out the storms before heading out on the water at Lums Pond State Park.

The water was cold and the wind was warm. We saw herons, gulls, ducks, cardinals, and an eagle and the boys played on a little beach like it was June.

We joined homeschooling friends back at our camp for burgers and brussel sprouts on the fire.

After an exhausting day I love lying in my tent and listening to the sounds of the night.

Duh, Taxation is Theft

Libertarians believe that taxation is theft (we believe that because it is). Some stop there. Others are willing to take their stolen property back.

The government has captured certain services by force and distorted the market, it is impossible to know their price.

I am increasingly becoming an agorist, learning to live outside the government-captured system. However, while I’m here, I’m going to try to recover my stolen property.

365 Devotionals: Mind Yourself

When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!”
-John 21:21-22

Gossip, comparison, and envy distract us from our true callings.

God wants us focused on Him. With our eyes turned toward the Highest, we can become our best selves.

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Quick Rant From An Exhausted Dad

The US backed slaughter and destruction in Yemen is bigger and crueler than anything the US media covers. And it is something we could change. Covid measures created more harm than good and attention to Ukraine is very conveniently covering the tracks of the US devils who wrecked the lives of so many.

I took Journalism and Education courses in college. Coming out of high school those were primary interests for me. I saw then the fantasy of those disciplines vs. the reality.

The media has been lying us into war and covering up US crimes my whole life. Madeline Albright said tens of thousands of dead children in Iraq were an acceptable cost. Condoleezza Rice just said invading a sovereign country was a war crime.

We can’t do shit about Putin, but these monsters are given prominence? The corporate media has blood on its hands.

March Is My Favorite

I wandered from our group today and witnessed why I like this time of year so much.

Crocus and snowdrop blooms start to color the forest floor.

Snowfall good enough for sledding is still a possibility.

Indoor soccer playoffs happen as spring leagues open.

Evenings increasingly brighten as we gather around fires into the night.

Easter approaches, reminding us of Jesus’s sacrifice and His remarkable return to life as the world comes alive around us.

Arbitrary and Absurd

State of Emergency Ended

Two weeks ago there was a statewide mask mandate and state employees were being forced to choose between an experimental pharmaceutical product and the salaries they used to take care of their families.

Now, by decree, it’s all gone. No data is presented and the order comes on the same day the governor was facing a lawsuit over his illegal extension of his State of Emergency.

How many employees were forced into vaccinations they did not want? If this was so important, how can it be dropped so abruptly?

I hope this opens more eyes to see that public offcials, including those labeled “health,” do not have the interests of the governed in mind, nor heart.

365 Devotionals: Stay Open

He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!”
“My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed.
-John 20:27-28

Jesus was patient. Some of his students needed more assistance in believing than others. Each individual has a particular path to faith and it is beyond any human to know what that path will look like or need.

All we can do is model Jesus and be patient with ourselves and others as we journey.

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