I Come to Unschool Caesar, Not to Praise Him

Okay, not entirely. My sons have actually begun a class with the goal of putting on a production of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Pages Alive Theater brings classic literature to students and guides them to bring the stories to life on stage for local audiences.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 

I bring the unschool factor, sometimes inappropriately, and recently discovered Wisecrack‘s Thug Notes. NSFW, nor children, but it is hilarious and quickly hits the main points of the plot. Please review this before sharing it, as it represents the most base of my educational techniques.

My sons are excited about stop motion Lego films, we dug into those next.

Graphic novels are always a good starting point for us and the director recommended Julius Caesar (No Fear Shakespeare) for exploring more difficult language.

If I can’t find the play currently on stage (this type of prep work is usually done in anticipation of a live production), I’ll look around for a solid film production. Marlon Brando’s Caesar has been recommended to me and I think we’ll give it a shot.

If you are looking for a way to engage your children in classic literature, try one or more of these methods. They can also be a great way for adults to catch up on the beautiful material that their own schooling had no idea how to present. My sons maximize their recall when they compare different versions of a story, and the different choices made by authors, illustrators, directors, actors, and costume designers will lead to fascinating discussions.

The deepest way to investigate a text is to act it out. This is most true for children who are dying (quite literally in Shakespeare) to play in the adult world. With no stage experience myself, I am eternally grateful for organizations like Pages Alive Theater for providing this type of enrichment.

God bless,

Day Two of My Positive Parenting Challenge

get well hug GIF

As resources pour in from so many wonderful people, my sons and I came up with our own rule: Instant Hugs. As soon as tension rises, a voice raises, or someone feels he’s been mistreated, BOOM, hug. No cure-all, but has definitely cut down on several escalations already.

I’ve been blessed by friends, family, and acquaintances with reading and listening suggestions. I’m starting with Amy McCready’s If I Have to Tell You One More Time…, Charlotte Kasl’s If the Buddha Had Kids, Eckhart Tolle’s Enlightened Relationships, Mr. Dad’s Positive Parenting Radio podcast, and Denaye Barahona’s Simple Families podcast.

And I found all of those before a Facebook call for help built my “Next, please,” list!

I’m looking forward to this journey with my sons and excited to share it.

God bless,