Digging for Courage: An Air of Toxic Masculinity

Warning and spoiler alert: Jordan Peterson tells an involved and emotional story about a friend and his eventual suicide.

Toxic Masculinity: A 12 Rules for Life Lecture

I see a mental health crisis unfolding. It will not fit the corporate media or government narrative(s). The lives lost during this forced isolation will not get long pieces in NYT Magazine. The destructive thoughts and behaviours will not be on Instagram.

I’ve listened to countless hours of Peterson. This one kept us in the driveway as my sons were transfixed by the story of “Chris.” If I had known the outcome, I may not have shared it, but I’m glad I did. A lot of the reason for the current panic is that we don’t talk about how dangerous living can be.

It’s an amazingly vulnerable account. Peterson has devoted himself to understanding the darkest parts of people and helping them integrate those shadows into their being. He was working on a post graduate degree and Chris was living with him shortly before he died. It’s hard to conceive of the potential guilt.

On the bright side, farts have now been rebranded, “toxic masculinity.”

God bless and thank you for reading,

Day Six of My 10- and 30-Day Challenges

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 

My sons called me from Grandma’s! Just to chat and check in on me. Their mom used to do that regularly, but I can’t recall them ever taking the initiative. It was a happy little sign as I found the dining room table leaf I cut last year, measured for more makeshift table extension, and consolidated and tucked away the Halloween gear.

Today was more about my 10-Day Thanksgiving Host Challenge than practicing positive parenting, but I did listen to a some podcast episodes and tried a new audio book. I do not recommend the audio version of Charlotte Kasl’s If the Buddha Had Kids. I’m reading another of her books and enjoy her writing style, but the audio on this one is robotic and very difficult to follow.

I listened to Elizabeth Kay Dyer‘s podcast episode about how she became a widow on a homeschool journey; Debbie Reber’s Tilt Parenting podcast episode with Jeremy Schneider, author of Fatherhood in 40-Minute Snapshots; and took breaks from the positive parenting grind with Tom Woods, Office Hours with TK Coleman and Isaac Morehouse, and a great new band called Iggy T and the Crazymakers. And just by sending a shout out to the band, I was able to connect with the lead singer and find an important video to share about grief and pain:

God bless,

Listening In: Matt Lewis with Andy Crouch on Putting Technology in its Proper Place

Matt Lewis recently spoke with Andy Crouch about his new book, The Tech-Wise Family.

Mr. Crouch has ten rules with implementable recommendations for how to take control of the devices that are running your life. Some are easier than others, but it wasn’t until the end of the conversation that the message spoke to me.

Rule #10: We show up in person for the big events of life, we learn how to be human by being fully present at our moments of greatest vulnerability, we hope to die in one another’s arms.

My late wife was present. She didn’t have a smart phone and her tablet was tucked away most of the time. She spent her working hours in front of a screen and spent every other possible moment with her friends and family.

At the very end of her life, the machines were disconnected, the lights were lowered, and she was surrounded by loved ones. It wasn’t planned, it was just right.

I’m working to reach that Mary-level of presence. It takes conscious effort as I try to find income online and quell an uneasy loneliness. I’m trying to connect with people on professional and personal terms, but not neglect my sons and the attention that they deserve from me at this time.

I type all this as they sleep and I hope to finish before they wake. I pledge to be present today and make a renewed commitment to show up for the big events of life.

God bless,

Hear the whole conversation with Mr. Crouch here and subscribe to Matt Lewis and the News on iTunes, Stitcher, or my favorite podcast app, Overcast.