Love and Math

Our second son was born in 2011.

Love was multiplied. Our first born came to visit his new baby brother and love multiplied again.

Of all the blessings Mary and I received, none compare to our two boys. They gave us higher purpose and brought us closer to God. They put us on a path to be saved by Christ, deschool ourselves, and create a life centered on learning.

Life is immeasurably better with children. Not always happier, and certainly not easier, but it is better.

For these reasons and more I’d like you to consider supporting a GoFundMe campaign to help an old friend adopt. I’ve met some amazing adoptive parents and I know Majesta will be an awesome mom.

I met Majesta nearly 20 years ago and she was almost entirely responsible for launching me on a backpacking adventure across New Zealand and Australia. For Christmas this year, Mary got an Oz-formatted VHS tape of me skydiving converted to DVD and we watched it for the first time. That journey still lives in our family and I am so grateful for Majesta and the friendship we had.

Unfortunately, Majesta never met Mary. One night I stood my ground on principals that I thought were more important than a great friendship and I ruined that friendship. I first laid eyes on Mary during that ridiculous argument. She was dancing with her sisters at an upstairs bar in Rehoboth Beach. Who could miss that? Better question: What possessed me to go to the quieter downstairs bar with Majesta to fight over the perfect familial arrangement?

Mary having a good time and me across the room pushing buttons in a heated discussion, it was like we were already married.

I met Mary, and I lost Majesta, later that weekend. They would have been marvelous friends, having fun and keeping me in check.

As I take inventory of this life without Mary, the holes and empty places seem to be everywhere. I’ve got to keep filling them with love. She left us with so much and there’s no reason to stop multiplying it.

Please consider helping Majesta and Stephan multiply their love:

God bless,
