Thriving This Christmas

A lot of caring folks worried about us this Christmas. It was my boys’ first without their mom and it has been the kind of year that not even Santa could survive. We didn’t buy a tree, half the morning’s loot was second hand, and we had a wonderful day. In fact, it was one of the most relaxed and enjoyable Christmases I can remember.

The boys did end up with a just-this-side-of-spoiled haul of Lego from family and we enjoyed a fantastic dinner with them.

We didn’t lean on traditions or work hard to do the things we were used to doing with Mom. We didn’t force anything. We exchanged gifts, started a fire, and spent simple time together.

My sons have been my greatest blessing this year. They inspire, challenge, and comfort me. They’re the reason I haven’t taken a break from my healing journey in over ten months. They are why we are thriving this Christmas.

God bless,