Known for Possession(s)

-Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

I’m piling up possessions in corners and hallways, preparing to donate them for Aldersgate United Methodist Church‘s annual Rummage Sale on April 27th. I’m stacking books so Brevity Bookspace can get them into hands that crave them. I’m passing on what I can to those I love.

I’m still attached to many of my possessions, but I’m letting go slowly. I’ve learned that nothing can be possessed. At best, we care for things and people while they are around. At worst, we neglect and abuse things and people while they are around.

The most dangerous of our possessive thoughts come to bear in our relationships. “Our” children, lovers, friends, and family. We “invest” in relationships. We let creep in ideas that we control even the smallest part of another person and feel jealousy when the truth is revealed that an individual can only own himself or herself. And yet we miss that truth in ourselves every day. We forget that we own our thoughts, words, and deeds. We are the only thing we can own and we must take ownership of ourselves and care for ourselves as if we are the most precious possessions.

Let go of something today and be God blessed,

Credit to one of Mary’s favorite bands, Hoots and Hellmouth for the title.