Little Deaths

Little deaths are chasing me around, from the above section in A Beginner’s Guide to the End to a Jordan Peterson quote from 12 Rules for Life, “Every bit of learning is a little death.”

I have also come to learn about the little death that is divorce. Everyone is smiling in their wedding photos, everyone is in love on that day, and everyone thinks it will last forever. No one predicts that they’ll share a few good years, have children they love dearly, then collapse out of love and into misery.

Out of that misery, new and stronger fulfillment can be found. It is a path that must be chosen. All deaths can be made little if you choose to find freedom and adventure in the circumstances of the day that God has given you. If you’re awake, if you’re alive, then every death is little, you have already survived them all.

Iggy Pop is releasing a new album about freedom. It’s not about the misery of being old and losing all his friends, it’s about being free.

Iggy Pop is alive and creating, you have no excuse not to do the same.

God bless and thank you for reading,
