Me First

One must first have a relationship with oneself, then God, however you choose to define that which you value most. That is everything.

I’ve been slack on my daily stretching/#meditation/#gratitude/#affirmations routine lately. Why would I take this away from myself when it was a key factor in reuniting with a soul mate?

It is precisely that a relationship with another soul is NOT everything that we must maintain our connection with ourselves.

Today I reissue my promise to myself to treat my Self as something worthy of love.

Today my sons and I return to therapy, this time together. I have done great work since losing their mother to death. I have honored her everyday and remain guided by the wellspring of love that sprang up out of her deathbed. I have answered each one of my sons’ questions about death and their mother to the best of my ability. I have now recognized the limits of my ability and humbly look to help through continued challenges.

God bless you and thank you for reading,
