
I made space for family today. I sorted through piles, rearranged furniture, and tucked many things out of sight. I found this note that came with a delicious loaf of pumpkin bread delivered last Thanksgiving by a friend.

“Friend” isn’t enough. The Judys are an amazing family that just had to be in our lives. So many of our Venn circles overlap that it’s hard to recall how we actually met. It could have been at a soccer game, homeschool gathering, jiu-jitsu studio, Lego competition, church volunteer opportunity, nature program, or an evening of Christmas caroling.

I’ve been on a daily diet of gratitude since Gina surprised us with a quick visit over a year ago. I’ve never found it difficult. The hard part is accepting the depth of our losses and the darkest parts of our Selves. Carl Jung said, “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” I’ve learned much about the bottomless well that stretches down into hell. I wish it could be enough; but that is foolish, painful learning may be the only worthwhile kind there is.

It’s those mornings after a tearful, or simply exhausted beyond tears, transition into sleep that I wake and face those things I am grateful for. I find myself thanking God for the challenges, the adversaries, and the losses.

But for this Thanksgiving, for tonight’s easy transition into restful sleep, I am grateful for the peace and support of the family and friends who made this a special day.

God bless and thank you for reading,
