Z3 Adventures: 3 Dog Garage

I’m not a “car guy” in the classic sense. I love attending everything from drag racing on the beach or asphalt to monster trucks and NASCAR races, but I don’t know makes, models, and history.

That’s why it was such a thrill to be among experts at 3 Dog Garage today. Many of the cars on display have raced and some currently still do. There’s an energy in a building full of beautiful machines and art with hardly a dividing line between the two.

With polite requests, my sons were allowed to sit in a few of these gorgeous beasts.

The neon sign came from a restaurant in California and was a stunning highlight of the third floor gallery.

I was impressed by Ross Myers’ library and dreamed of having something similar one day.

Myers’ first car became his national award winner, “First Love.” It’s accented by this powerful symbol of love throughout the design.

I’m intent on finding the artist responsible for the pop art pieces featuring Audrey Hepburn, Elvis, Steve McQueen, and Marilyn Monroe. They are fun, inventive, and hold lots of exciting surprises.

On par, we were nearly the last group out of the museum. It’s a rare treat to visit this special place and we squeezed all we could out of it.

God bless and thank you for reading,
