Fear-Based Decision Making

There are moments when I am filled with peace, but fear is pressing in on me. It’s not my fear, but the fear I feel in virtually everyone’s actions and words. Many people are acting out of fear of the government, fear of losing social capital, fear of uncertainty, and fear of their own instincts.

For my part, I try to be aware of that fear. I’ve been ALL CAPPED on Facebook and, at best, dismissed when I’ve presented information contrary to the dominant narrative. I’m grateful to discover which of my friends are warriors and which I’ll be glad to see gone from my life. I’m grateful for a family structure that is loving and built on massive amounts of time together. I am grateful for a girlfriend who wants to visit us and hungers for time outside. I’m grateful for a singular friendship, no, kinship in Christ, in widowhood, in single parenthood in homeschool, in never blindly accepting the narrative…a woman who could be my twin sister.

I’m a blessed man. I try to live in peace and love. But these last couple weeks have been plagued by a creeping fear.

God bless and thank you for reading,
