Healthy Child Contracts Influenza in School, Dies Horrible Death

New rule: When discussing a deadly virus, you may not compare it to other deadly viruses.

Please elaborate on how the deadly nature of the flu is baseless. Explain to me how those percentages aren’t important to the lives it destroys. Explain how headlines make one death more important than another.

Death doesn’t give a shit whether I believe in it or approve of it, it is coming. It ain’t new. It ain’t novel. Our inability as a society to accept death as an integral component of existence has us denying the nature of physical reality.

Denying truth (i.e. reality) is a lie. We’re living this lie that we can extend physical life forever and it’s costing us dearly.

But I can play the game too: What percentage of spouses dead from influenza are you okay with?

What percentage of children are you okay with locking in cages all day while influenza predictably spreads and kills in schools every year?

These are not questions, they are rhetorical weapons. If you live by that sword, you will die by that sword.