What Has Schooling Wrought?

The headline was changed to reflect that the CDC Director was specifically referring to high school students and the need to reopen schools.


The article is terribly written, obviously with one premise in mind, then sloppily editted to include the critical fact about students.

So what questions should we ask? Is the education system creating strong, healthy individuals who can overcome hardship? Or is it creating dependent addicts who can’t survive without it?

The hardest and most important job I see as a parent is to foster my children’s independence. I want to coexist with these humans who love me, yet nonetheless want to flee from my authority. School can’t do that. School says, “You must stay until 3:00.” “You must stay until June.” “You must stay until you are 18, 22…”

This is heartbreaking information. I pray for those who are ready to be awakened from a system designed to create compliant factory workers and soldiers.