The Lockdown is Inhumane

My sons and I were supposed to go on a hike today with other families who have lost loved ones. Delaware’s governor imposed regulations this week that forced its cancellation.

This is not okay. These children and parents are facing crushing loneliness. Some of them lost a mother, father, sibling, child, or other close family member during the Lockdown and have had little contact with others.

My children have made friends in this group and meet new, wonderful children each time we get together.

After having met outside several times this fall and summer, there have been no reported cases of Covid-19 within the group.

This group is invaluable to families who have had much of their support structure taken away during the hardest time in their lives.

This is not okay. Children have been kept away from their schoolmates and all of us have had our grief groups and therapists reduced to Zoom, at best.

It’s very difficult for me to connect with someone through an image. In person, I have anxiety and detachment when one, or both, of us are in masks.

I’m concentrating on gratitudes this month, but today is hard. I’m grateful for this outlet. I’m grateful for my widow friends who will meet in person. I’m grateful for the many connections we made before Lockdown and have been able to maintain through it. I’m grateful that I’ve got a lot of fight in me. I’m grateful for my health.

I have an infinite number of things to be grateful for, but today is still hard.

One Reply to “The Lockdown is Inhumane”

  1. This is an incredibly hard time and I agree lockdowns are inhumane. So, IMO, screw Carney. Do what you want. Go hiking. Go outside. Meet up with people and live your life.

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