Fresh Snow

A couple inches of surprise snow fell last night. As I opened my back door out into it, I could tell how soft and fluffy it was. My barefeet welcomed the gentle blanket, then the fear of the cold shot into them. I took my first intentional breath, calmed and proceeded to appreciate every nerve ending as I took a couple pictures. The deck was still slick underneath the new snow and I stumbled a couple times.

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Out in the yard, the cold started to get to my feet. I rolled out my yoga mat and the snow was deep enough to pour over the edge in places. I lied down and felt the little intrusions. I cleared some, but knew this was another baby step I could take into my cold therapy journey.

The Wim Hof Method breathing was easy. Birds and traffic weren’t awake and my mind was softly focused on God, myself, and Love.

I walked back to the house and my feet reached their limit as I fumbled with the door.

While meditative and calming, the practice is also uncomfortable and challenging. It prepares me for the discomforts of the day and sets my sights on the greatest things that Creation has to offer.