I Choose Life

I wrote this one year ago:

If we are not celebrating life, encouraging one another, listening to God, creating value, and kicking ass every day…we are dying.

This has been the hardest year of my life. This week a year ago I was volunteering to support homeless families in their journeys to find employment and stable housing. The world was tipping sideways. Fear was building, but there was hope in the work.

That crumbled in the following three weeks. March got darker and darker and “Two week to flatten the curve” became a fear machine that had no logical end. I decided to change myself as I saw the world would not soon return from this abyss. A year later the fear machine churns on.

The dystopia is worse than I expected, but I’m better. I’m stronger in body, mind, and spirit than I was a year ago. I love myself better. I have a better relationship with God and Jesus. I have daily routines that calm my busy mind and prepare my body for the daily onslaught of fear-based behaviors all around.

I know better now the darkness that was hiding behind the veil of this world. Through knowing that darkness, I can be a brighter light.

I see only two paths. One is toward death, the life that begins and ends in this world. The other is toward life everlasting, the life that God intends for us.

I choose life.