Digging for Courage: A Year On

I created this category at the beginning of the Lockdowns. I knew in my gut that our approach was wrong. By this time I had poured over studies out of China and Italy and the notoriously mishandled German case falsely creating the asymptomatic spread narrative.

I was too angry and fearful of backlash to communicate clearly and focused on why I was feeling that way. I wanted to find the courgage to be a positive firce in the world. First, I had to get my own emotions in order.

I tried to establish a yoga and meditation routine, but that wouldn’t take until I started Wim Hof Method breathing and cold shower therapy.

I dug into my fears and released them. I came to accept a deeper truth for myself, that social interaction was paramount to my spiritual health and the learning lifestyle that I had crafted for my sons and myself. I reached out and found those friends and family who had similar intuitions and we started spending time together. I made new friends who also valued living this life to its fullest over adding grim days to it like prisoners tallying their lives in chalk on a grey wall.

I reached out to my small business owner friends to support them and assure them I would be there at the door when they were allowed to open.

I started a soccer team, even though I had sworn off managing weeks before.

I focused my energy on creating a better world.

I’m still there, but I’ve also got a happy warrior inside who wants to mock the madness. I’m a trouble maker and those who would continue to halt life deserve some trouble. And seriously, the memes are too good not to share.

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