Not The Answer I Wanted

After 14 hours of hiking over five mountains, we had one more summit on our list. Out of nine in our original party, three or four were considering the final mountain. The others had resigned to end their day.

The crossroads was at the only waterfall we had seen all day. I was of two minds about continuing, so I decided to climb down to get a good look at the falls and ask God for guidance.

The day had been full of grueling rock scrambles and this small descent to the river seemed extravagant and unnecessary. This beautiful moment gave me clarity. I charged back up to the path and announced that I was in to finish the trek.

My fellow travelers didn’t expect that. We were looking at a long seven miles of ascent and descent that would have to be completed in the dark. I realized that I was acting in bravado. God was speaking to me through my companions.

To avoid injury and the pitfalls of climbing off the mountain in the dark, we decided to end our journey.

We all got back to our accomdations happy and healthy. It was the longest and hardest hike most of us had undertaken. We slept soundly and started making plans for a return to Devil’s Path in the morning.

God often answers my prayers in unexpected ways. He counters my desires with a better course. He reminds me to pay attention to all the signs around me.

Tonight I thank Him and pray to always keep my eyes sharp for His signs.