To The New Home Educator

Take a break. Take a breath. The process for enrolling your homeschool in Delaware seems more stressful than it is. Once you get the paperwork sorted…just stop.

Spend time with your kids. Find out what they want. Get outside and take long walks. My boys taught me how to wander a trail and discover all the pieces of magic along the way.

There’s nothing taught in school that children can’t figure out for themselves. God has given us amazing brains designed to survive and thrive.

Watch what they can learn without a workbook, teacher, or homework. Watch for a while. Watch until you get uncomfortable. Because the journey will get uncomfortable, but you can engage that with intention instead of being broadsided. Then, when that inevitable difficulty comes, you will know the feeling and know you can get through it.

You have a lot of support in Delaware, don’t get overwhelmed by the suggestions. Go play with your children. You are doing the right things.

If you want in-person support and an amazingly fun group of families to socialize with, check out Allschoolers Park Days in New Castle County.

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