30 Devotionals: Minor Temptations

“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”
-Matthew 6:13

I started my day with yoga and prayed through most of it. The theme was Joy and how it is the intersection of Love and Happiness. I couldn’t stop thanking God for the abundance of these in my life. I almost came to tears a couple times. I like quietly crying during hot vinyasa because no one can tell through the sweat pouring off me.

Most of the day was spent walking outside with my sons and friends and I was tired early in the evening.

Temptation set in as I wanted to avoid a jiu-jitsu class that I dearly need as I prepare for my first competition.

I dragged myself to the class and wore myself out more quickly than usual. Maybe rest would not have meant giving into the devil, but I knew that staying my training course meant honoring the body that God gave me and becoming a stronger student.

The minor victories add up. God has granted me a level of energy that I sometimes underestimate. I don’t always know what to do with it. I pray for the wisdom and vision to continue faithfully down my path.

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2 Replies to “30 Devotionals: Minor Temptations”

  1. lmao I’ve never heard of anyone self-describing as a “bad-ass.” my guy, you are not a bad-ass. bad-asses have learned some discipline and empathy and take COVID seriously. you’re making unschooling parents look like idiots with your toxic anti-masking nonsense.

    1. “Bad-asses” aren’t my cup of tea, but I recommend finding some badasses to hang out with and maybe becoming one yourself.

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