30 Devotionals: Becoming One

“That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.”
-John 17:21

One line struck me from today’s devotional lesson: “Like porcupines cuddling in the cold, we often hurt each other as we seek connection.”

Not only are we porcupines in the cold, but we are also in the dark and can’t see our own quills.

We often don’t know our own brokenness. We hurt inadvertently, or through the repetition of a pattern that hurt us, yet still feels familiar and safe.

Knowing and loving ourself is critical to loving God and others. Our love for others and God is also also critical to loving ourself. No one love is separated from the others. The outward and inward work is constant and interdependent.

That work brings our broken and disparate loves into a single place. It integrates ourselves with a Heavenly vision and creates a life full of love.

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